The importance of leadership in revitalisation
Leadership in any organisation is important if forward movement and growth is to be achieved. In churches it is equally important to follow the example of Jesus who trained his disciples well and then equipped them with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The area of church revitalization is no different. So what is needed in the European context today in our churches? Well it is easy to say – “good strong spiritual leaders” but in practice that is not as easy to accomplish. Let me suggest three things that you could consider.
Firstly, recognise there is a problem and agree amongst the leaders what must be done. Are the “values” shared amongst the leaders? Is one man holding back the rest of you?
Are you praying together with the same focus and desires? Is there true unity amongst you or merely a passing agreement? These and other issues need to be faced before you can move the church to health.
Secondly, explore where the weaknesses are in the leadership. Is there a gap in teaching ministry not being filled? Is there a need for some training to boost knowledge? Are the roles fitting the gifting? This may be a difficult ride, but outside help could be brought in to help and advise. Ensure that in this phase God’s Word remains central and use it as a mirror to see clearly what is required.
Thirdly, when you have worked these things through, tell the church! Share with them your journey and encourage them to follow this rejuvenated leadership.
There is no formula here that guarantees success, but if you can nurture Godly leadership, then you lay a firm foundation for the future.
Phil Walter