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On this page you will fnd two surveys which can be used to assess a church which seems to be in need of revitalisation.

Questions for the revitalisation team and church leaders


1. What is the average size of the attendance at your main Sunday meeting?

  1. Has this changed over the past five years?
  2. Are the members of the church satisfied with this number?

2. Has the average age of the adult attendance changed over the last five years?

  1. How would you describe the spread of ages across the church?
  2. Are there any gaps?

3. Do the members know each other well?

4. Have people from outside the church been converted through the ministry of the church in the past five years?

5. Are the majority of the members actively involved in the life and ministry of the church?


6. How many people are involved in the leadership of the church :

  1. in a pastoral role?
  2. In a diaconal role?

7. Is there a strong sense of unity among the leaders?

  1. Do the leaders meet regularly to pray together?
  2. What sort of subjects do you pray about?

8. Do any of the leaders feel the need for more training in order to better serve the church?

  1. Do the leaders need help in thinking through the way churches can better build up Christians and reach out to unbelievers in today’s society?

9. Does the leadership encourage the church to pray for the Gospel to change lives both within the church and through evangelism?


10. Does the leadership team have a clear vision for the church? a. Can you write this vision down in a few short sentences?

11. If there is a vision, do the members of the church know it and adhere to it?

12. Does the leadership regularly review the effectiveness of the church’s ministries in relation to the vision?

13. What would you wish the church to look like in five years, to the glory of God?

The surrounding area

14. In what way has your local area changed in the last ten years? a. Does socio-economic profile of the church correspond to your local area?

15. Does the church have any ministry designed to serve the people in your area?

a. Are you aware of any needs in your local area which the church could meet?

16. Are the members of the church involved in activities outside the church?


17. Do the majority of the church members live in the area where the church meets?

18. What reputation does your church have in your area?

19. If a non-Christian from your area came to your church, would the meeting be conducted in such a way that they would easily understand what was being said?

20. Would a non-Christian from your area walking into your church building find it attractive, comfortable and welcoming?

What future for our church? Survey for congregation members

Facing the future for any church can be a very sensitive matter and deeply unsettling. Many people have been faithful in their service for the Lord Jesus over a long period and may feel fearful about considering the future. However, this “What Future for our Church?” survey will prove to be a most helpful exercise if you can approach it in a prayerful, warm-hearted and open way.

Some questions in this survey are factual; others will help you to think about the life of the church. They are designed to help your leaders gather information about the church. Please ask the Lord in prayer to guide you as you answer each question.

Section 1 : About you

1. Are you male or female?

O male O female

2. Into which age-bracket do you fit?

O under 30 years O 30-49 years O 50-69 years O 70 years or above

3. How long have you been a Christian?

O less than 5 years O 5 to 10 years O 11 to 20 years O more than 20 years

4. How long have you been coming to this church?

O less than 5 years O 5 to 10 years O 11 to 20 years O more than 20 years

Section 2 : You and your church

5. What do you think is the main purpose of your church?

6. Which aspects of church life have particularly encouraged you over the last five years?

7. Which aspects of church life have particularly discouraged you over the last five years?

8. How do you feel about the way your church is led?

9. Which gifts would you like the opportunity to exercise at church other than what you already do?

10. If you could change two things about your church what would they be?

11. Which do you think is the most effective ministry in your church? In what way is it effective?

12. What would give you more confidence to invite friends and neighbours to meetings at church?

Section 3 : You and the surrounding area

13. How far do you live from the building in which your church meets?

O less than one km O 1-3 km O 4-5 km O more than 5 km

14. In what ways are you involved in the area served by your church?

15. If you had the people and the finances, how could your church better serve the surrounding area?

16. If your church had to close, what impact would this have on the surrounding area?

Section 4 : You and the future

17. What would you most like to see happen in your church in the next five years?

18. What are you praying for in the life of your church right now?

19. Assuming things continue in the same vein, how do you feel about the future of your church?

20. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your church?